System Reconstruction of Nolle Prosequi in Criminal Procedure: Taking Prosecution and Defense as Central Trial Subject 基于分析控诉方和辩护方为中心审判主体看撤回公诉制度的重构
Drop persecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records. 在法庭档案中通过输入一条原告撤回诉讼而停止烦扰。
The thorough understanding of the nol pros types of Section 2, Item 142 of the current Criminal Law is the difficulty in and key to understanding the system of nolle prosequi. 深刻理解现行刑诉法第142条第2款规定的不起诉类型,是正确认识不起诉制度的难点和关键所在。
First, the finishing of judicial interpretation and practice of all uses of a nolle prosequi the case, uniform conditions of use, and to prepare for future legislation. 首先,整理司法解释与实践中所有适用撤回起诉的情形,统一适用条件,为将来立法做准备。
Not to prosecute, a nolle prosequi and acquittal plays a negative reinforcement effect to a certain extent. 不起诉、撤诉制度、检察机关考评制度在一定程度上对重新起诉起到了负强化作用。
We analyzed the reason of low application of the system of nolle prosequi through the comparison of the application of relatively non-prosecution between china, Japan, Germany and other countries. 该部分通过我国检察机关历年适用相对不起诉案件的数字和日本、德国等国家作对比,分析我国相对不起诉制度的适用率较低的现状。
On the other hand, the procuratorial organs should standardize a nolle prosequi, adjust the positioning of the prosecution in the retrial procedure, and improve the procuratorial evaluation mechanism, ensuring a reasonable run of re-prosecution. 再一方面,通过规范检察机关撤回起诉、调整检察机关在再审程序中的定位、改革检察人员业务考评等途径完善与重新起诉相关的制度,从而保证重新起诉得以规范合理地运行。
The contradiction between limited judicial resources and the increasing number of criminal prosecution is the existing objective reason, modern criminal idea transformation is the subjective reason of nolle prosequi system. 司法资源有限与犯罪数量增多的矛盾是不起诉制度存在的客观原因,现代刑罚理念的转变是不起诉制度存在的主观原因。
The re-prosecution theory is based primarily on the principle of correcting every wrong and the position of not to prosecute, a nolle prosequi and acquittal. 重新起诉的理论基础主要是有错必纠原则以及我国对不起诉、撤诉、存疑无罪判决的效力定位。